Register with our practice

If you wish to register with our surgery, please check that your address falls within our catchment area using the map below. Should you have any questions about registering, please call the surgery on 01923 608845 and select the registrations option.

For all ‘Over 16 Registration Form’ submissions, we do ask that you provide 2 forms of ID (photographic and current address), which can be attached at the end of the registration form.

All registration forms can be found further down the page.

Forms of ID include:

  • A bank statement (we only require the top section with your current address on)
  • utility bill with your current address
  • passport
  • drivers license

Registering your new baby

When we receive your discharge summary after birth, you baby is registered on our system. You will still need to complete a registration form for your baby as soon as possible, as we require extra details which your discharge summary doesn’t provide. Please complete the under 16 registration form on the website.  Alternatively, you can collect a paper version from reception and hand it back in. Once the form has been received, we can update any details.

We will send you a letter to remind you to register your baby and to remind you to book in for your 6-week mother and baby check. When your baby is around 8 weeks, you will also receive a letter from Child Health regarding their immunisations and an appointment to have them at the surgery. Please remember to bring the red book to all your baby’s appointments. If you cannot make this appointment, you must notify reception as soon as possible.

Refusing a registration

You can be refused a registration with us if:

  • You live outside the practice boundary, and we are not accepting patients from out of area
  • If you live outside our practice boundary and you would require extra care, such as home visits
  • You have been removed from the practice register before

Temporary registration

Please only register as a temporary patient if you require an appointment. We cannot accept submissions on a ‘just in case basis’. You can complete the online form or request the paper copy from reception.

Homeless registration

Please complete the homeless registration form online or ask reception for a paper copy. If you do have ID, please provide this but it’s not compulsory. if you do not have an address, please use the surgery’s address. We do however need a contact number.

Register for Online Services

Please note online services is for 16 years and over only.

If you wish to have online services, please click on the ‘register for online services form’ link below, print it out and complete the form.  You must bring this form to the surgery along with photographic ID and proof of address. If you cannot print the form out, we have paper copies at the surgery for you to fill out.

Please note it will take up to 7 working days for access to be granted.

Registration Forms

Please click on the relevant form below to either register with our practice or register for online services.

Under 16yrs Registration Form

Over 16yrs Registration Form

Temporary Registration Form

Homeless Registration Form

Register for Online Services Form

Catchment Area (Practice Boundary)

You can search for your postcode by clicking the magnifier in the top right corner of the map, this will indicate whether you live within the boundary or not.

Accessing someone else's information (Proxy Access)

Family members and carers can request proxy access. This can be requested in the following instances:

  • By parents and/or guardians of patients younger than 16 years old, although children aged 13 to 15 may have access in their own right following a competence assessment by a GP)
  • By carers of patients who lack capacity, for example those with dementia or learning disabilities
  • By carers, relatives and/or friends of patients who are illiterate

If the patient lacks capacity to give informed consent for proxy access (which will be most of the cases), proxy access may still be given to a relative, carer and/or friend in the following circumstances:

  • They must have a power of attorney for health and welfare
  • Be a court-appointed deputy
  • If the GP determines that it is in the patient’s best interest.

Once a young person turns 16, the previous competence assessment by default is no longer applicable as they are assumed to have capacity unless there is an indication to the contrary.

To request proxy access, please put this request in writing or via email to

Please add your full name and date of birth as well as the patients details you would like proxy access to.